Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thank God for the Senate

The Senate junked the so-called "compromise agreement" that was ironed out by the Supreme Court yesterday in order for CHED Chairman Romulo Neri to appear before Senate hearings on the NBN-ZTE deal. The senators reasoned out that the agreement will curtail their power to conduct investigations in aid of legislation.

Oo nga naman.

What kind of a deal was that, anyway? You let Chicke-Neri to appear, but he cannot answer some of the most important questions? I think that was more of a "cover-up agreement". The search for truth is uncensored. It does not compromise nor leave anything untouched.

Good thing that the senators did not bite, buttressing their rising credibility. Meanwhile, the House of Representa-thieves, save for the minority congressmen, are continuing to defend the indefensible.

Thank God for the Senate, and damn the House of Representa-thieves to hell.

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